Monday, April 9, 2018

Activity: Types of Network

Sabrena and Mizah.

Research at least FOUR (4) different types of network.

 FOUR (4) different types of network.

1. PAN
2. LAN
3. MAN
4. WAN

1. PAN stands for Personal Area Network. It is a computer network that is organized around an individual person. It works when there is wireless that is connected to a cell phone. So a person can communication to their friends or related through cell phone. Examples of PAN network are the Bluetooth speaker that are connected through wireless and there is only a person that will communicate with the other devices that are already connected to the wireless.

2. LAN stands for Local Area Network. It is a network which is designed to operate over a small physical area. It works only in one location or one building. Example of LAN network are The Micronet International College, office and factory.

3. MAN stands for Metropolitan Area Network. It is in between LAN and WAN technology that covered the entire city. It works when there is one city that have many branches inside it. Example of MAN is BIBD bank.

4. WAN stands for Wide Area Network. It is when network spans over a large distance. It works when one country with one country that considered as WAN. Example of WAN is Brunei and Malaysia.


pan diagram - Google Search. (2018). Retrieved 10 April 2018, from [Accessed on 10th April 2018]

lan network - Google Search. (2018). Retrieved 10 April 2018, from [Accessed on 10th April 2018]

wan network - Google Search. (2018). Retrieved 10 April 2018, from [Accessed on 10th April 2018]

man network - Google Search. (2018). Retrieved 10 April 2018, from [Accessed on 10th April 2018]

Dhola (2015). Computer Network. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Apr. 2018].

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