Monday, April 13, 2020

Key considerations for planning and undertaking research

Determine what the key considerations are for planning and undertaking research.

  1. Research questions. Certain research questions are better answered with qualitative research. Studies that seek to understand, explore or describe occurrences rather than find a definitive answer lend themselves to the qualitative method. Some students even choose a mixed-method dissertation which employs both quantitative and qualitative research. A great way to determine which method is best for your study is to consider the research methods of studies on similar topics. It’s important to let the research questions inform the qualitative analysis process.
  2. Method of data collection. Data collection for qualitative research exists in several forms. Interviews, focus groups, surveys, and extensive literature review are common methods used to collect qualitative data. Furthermore, some studies choose to use a variety of methods to come to the conclusion.
  3. Your collection tools. Most often qualitative research involves surveys, focus groups, and interviews. Since qualitative studies are exploratory in nature it’s important to avoid asking leading questions. Carefully examine, and better yet, have a second set of eyes examine your study to avoid leading questions, which can weaken your methodology.
  4. Data analysis. Qualitative analysis involves more than just merging a list of facts. A dissertation consultant can work with you to thematize the data for your study.
  5. Hiring a dissertation consultant. Your research advisor is busy and does not always have the time to work with you on your project or address your research-related concerns. A dissertation consultant helps you work through the qualitative analysis, regardless of your level of knowledge in the area.
  6. Early data analysis. Early explorations and pilot studies serve as a way to explore the field without narrowing down on any specific topic just yet. Explore the data to pick out early findings that you may want to explore in depth. In a qualitative study this can take the form of doing focus groups with a small sample size or doing a few interviews. You can also reconsider your research focus with informed early data analysis.
  7. Clean and easy is not always best. Because qualitative projects are not as strictly defined, it’s important to avoid the easy way out during the research process. Instead, let your questions and data drive the research methods and qualitative analysis that you undertake in your project.

Issue that can be encountered research.
Problems Encountered By Researchers
1. Lack of scientific training in the methodology of research
There is a paucity of competent researchers. The scenario in most cases is like a blind leading the blind. Most of the people who hold the position of research guide arethemselves not thorough with the various methodologies. They lead theresearcher/students to copy methodology of similar studies.

2. Copying of data (Plagiarism)
Some researchers (as they call themselves), merely copy other international studies or studies which have been done by researchers/students of other universities. This is a crime and should not be promoted. A Researchers can re-evaluate others study by considering and overcoming the limitations of previous study, but at no cost should be copied or repeated. One should learn to respect others hard work. The act itself leads to lack of awareness in research methodology.

3. Manipulation of data.
Every researcher tries or does one or the other kinds of manipulation of data. May be multiplying the sample size or to make the result in the way they want. The lack of confidence over the result they may get after the completion of study is the reason for manipulation of result. This never reveals the reality, as the intuition of the researcher is guided by mere theoretical knowledge. In reality sometimes theory and practice may be contradictory. Some researchers just finish off their study by simply sitting in their home; they don’t even interact with their subject or have any one.4.Lack of availability or access to literature needed. This is a major problem faced during the literature review. The lack of availability of access to Internet, ignorance of the way to search needed articles from journals and other databases are other problems. Searching books and newspaper articles from conventional libraries consumes a lot of time and effort. These kind of libraries, especially which are situated away from the capital cities lack copies of new acts/rules published by the government. There is also timely unavailability of published data.

5. The outlook of the researcher/research student
All students before being selected by the guide interact with their senior students.They already finding difficulty with research, tells the hardships they suffer or suffered. This changes the outlook of the students. Research is the way you take it. It can be either.

6. Lack of confidence to take up a new study especially explorative study.
This may be due to any of the above-mentioned reasons, also the fear of the result and fear of not able to answer questions during presentations. One should be dare enough to disseminate the result of the study, as it is the truth he/she has come to know after the research process. Limitations of the study are always considered and no one is going to blame on that, unless until the research is re-done. This leads to undertaking of overlapping studies, as there is a want of information.

7. Unavailability of permission to do research in specific centers
Hospitals and business establishments usually don’t allow third party inside toconduct research. This may be due to security reasons or may be due to lack of confidence in keeping the confidentiality of the data or names. No establishments will agree a third person to get in and find out the problems within and it being gets published. Some organizations charge heavy fee or donation (whatever it may be) from students to allow doing research within.

8. Research: a mere formality to fulfill course requirement
Yes, of course research is a part of curriculum. But most of the students find it as a mere formality to fulfill their course requirement. They just want to finish off the study. For this they search the shortcuts. But the fact is that once a study is done, it will be referred in future by other researchers. They won’t be aware if the study was sincerely done.

9. Publishing may be expensive
Research study once it is completed, the further step will be the publishing of the same. Printing and binding may turn to be expensive. Also, it will be very expensive the paper has to be published in any international journals or conferences. These expenses may not be affordable by the student researchers.10.Lack of availability of sponsors. This may be due to lot of reasons.
A. Hesitation to contact sponsors
B. Not able to convince the sponsors.
C. Lack of confidence of sponsors over the researcher.

Statistics Solutions. (2013). 7 Essential Considerations for your Qualitative Research Project - Statistics Solutions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Apr. 2020].

Scribd. (2020). Problems Encountered by Researchers | Publishing | Communication. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Apr. 2020].

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Key considerations for planning and undertaking research

Determine what the key considerations are for planning and undertaking research. Research questions.  Certain research quest...